Granite Countertops

Denver Kitchen Company LLC offers granite slab countertops in a wide variety of colors and edge profiles.






Granite Color Selections


Granite - Price Group A


Baltic Brown

Baltic Brown

Baltic Brown

Baltic Brown is quarried in a bedrock quarry in Kymi, Finland. The size and color of each block is fairly consistent between shipments and occassionally the slabs may contain some black biotite crystal spots. The mineral composition of Baltic Brown is: 55% Potash feldspar, 25% quartz, 11% plagioclase and 9% biotite and hornblende. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Sunset Gold

Sunset Gold

Sunset Gold

Sunset Gold is quarred from a pit quarry in the Fujian Province, China. This granite often has visibile oxidized iron spots and some veining making this stone very unique. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Tan Brown

Tan Brown

Tan Brown

Tan Brown is quarried in a bedrock quarry near the town of Karimnagar in the state of Andhra Pardesh, India. The size of each block will be fairly consistent between shipments, but the quartz in the stone will vary at times. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Verde Butterfly

Verde Butterfly

Verde Butterfly

Verde Butterfly is quarried in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a granite composed mainly of dark green, medium to large crystals. The white quartz and sapphire will have some variation between shipments in this stone. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Verde Ubatuba

Verde Ubatuba

Verde Ubatuba

Verde Ubatuba is quarried from a bedrock quarry in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is composed mainly of dark green medium-large crystals. After the blocks are cut into slabs, oxidation starts to take place, which produces the brown spots that may be visible in this stone. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Granite - Price Group B


Giallo Santo

Giallo Santo

Giallo Santo

Giallo Santo is quarried from a bedrock quarry located in the northern part of Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is one of the larger quarries, producing more than one hundred truckloads per month. The structure is fairly consistent on each shipment but may have some variation in movement and veining. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slab to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Impala Black

Impala Black

Impala Black (Rustenburg D)

Impala Black is quarried from a bedrock quarry in Gauteng, South Africa. It comes in two different tonalities: Rustenburg D, where the concentration of ferromagnetica minerals (especially pyroxites) gives it an intense and uniformly black color; and Rustenburg M, which is not as dark as the Rustenburg D because of its relative abundance of plagioclase. Because it is such a dense stone, and there are minimal micro fissures and pitting, no resin is applied to the surface.

Juparana St. Ceclia

Juparana St. Ceclia

Juparana St. Ceclia

Juparana St. Cecilia is quarried from a bedrock quarry in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is composed mainly of rather deep yellow, coarse-grain crystals that run from elongated to nearly void. It is also possible to see yellow- brown crystals along with black biotite crystals in the stone. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Tropic Brown

Tropic Brown

Tropic Brown

Tropic Brown is quarried from a boulder quarry in Najran, Saudi Arabia. It is a homogeneous granite composed mainly of intense brown crystals and a smaller amount of black biotite crystals. Although, it is common to have some black biotite crystals as large as the size of a silver dollar. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

Venetian Gold

Venetian Gold

Venetian Gold

Venetian Gold is quarried from a bedrock quarry in Espirito Santo, Brazil. It is a granite with a ground mass composed mainly of medium to coarse-grain yellow crystals that can, at times, appear in a light brown tone. Some veining and movement is common in this granite and can be expected from time to time. During the polishing process, an epoxy resin is applied to the surface of the slabs to fill in any natural pits, cracks or fissures that may exist in the stone. This does not affect the durability, maintenance or beauty of the slab. It is possible for some of the more minute pits that are too small to effectively hold the resin, to reopen during other finishing stages. However, this will not detract from the overall quality or appearance of the stone.

There are many other Granite varieties available. Please call for a quote.


Amarillo Gold  Amarillo Pearl  Aurora Borealis  Autumn Harmony  Azul Bahia  Bianco Romano

Blue Pearl  Burgundy Blue  Caramel Fantastico  Carmel Brown  Costa Smeralda  Crema Bordeaux

Desert Amarillo  English Brown  Espirito Santo  Ferro Gold  Giallo Fiorito  Giallo Portofino

Giallo Veneziano  Golden Crystal  Golden Leaf  Golden Ray  Golden Ridge  Golden Wave

Indiana Parana  Ivory Cream  Juparana Columbo Gold  Juparana El Dorado  Juparana Fantastico  Juparana Florence

Kodiak  Labrador Antique  Lava  Madura Gold  Marron Cohiba  Mascarello

Mocca Juparana  Mohave Bronze  Mombasa  Monserrat Gold  New Caledonia  Nova Brown

Paradiso Dark  Red Dragon  Rocky Ridge  Rosso Fiorentino  Russian Sable  Santa Barbara

Santa Venetia  Seafoam Green  Serengeti Gold  Smokey Mountain  Tropic Brown  Verde Peacock

Verde San Francisco  TN-VerdeTropicalG  Verde Tunas  Vicenza  Vitoria Regia  Volcano


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